Tuesday, March 5, 2013

We're so grown up!

We worked on the bills and our finances the other night.  We use the mvelopes program which is envelope budgeting online, so you don't have to carry around envelopes full of cash.  It makes it a lot easier to steal from other envelopes but it still works for us.

We just started saving money to pay for preschool for Kaida so JR told me how much was in the envelope.  I told him I felt so grown up that we have money saved and we won't have to scramble to figure out where the money will come from when we start paying tuition.  Plus, when she's done with preschool that envelope will keep getting money and become a college savings envelope (I feel like we must be terrible parents because she doesn't already have college savings.).  It's all very adult and responsible.

It took a couple years to really figure out our budget but mvelopes is working very well for us now.  We've even gotten to the point where the March paycheck comes in to pay for the April bills.  JR said that was a very responsible thing to do too.

I'm still afraid he'll lose his job and all our savings will *poof* away but I think we're in a pretty good place even if it does happen.

So I feel all responsible and grown up now.  And very lucky.

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