Monday, March 11, 2013

Bedroom Furniture

We re-arranged our bedroom furniture last week.  It's a dark room and the side where JR was sleeping is very dark.  His theory was that seeing a little light early in the morning would help him get up and out of bed.  So we went for it.

The entire room is a little awkward.  It's big but it has a knee wall on one long side.  Then there's the dormer that sticks out from that same wall making a little alcove.  And we have a radiator with built in shelves above it on the opposite wall.

(Click to embiggen)
This is totally not to scale and only a little bit accurate.  Since there's a hallway closet that abuts JR's and that would definitely not fit into this picture.  But you get the idea.

Anyway, here's how we used to have the furniture.
(Click to embiggen)

As you can see JR's side of the bed (by the closets) was as far from the windows as you could get.  Also my night stand hung over the alcove opening a bit and there was a lot of empty space on my side of the bed compared the JR's barely-wide-enough-to-walk space.  And with the treadmill in the alcove I couldn't get in there to open the window or curtains.

When we first rearranged everything we ended up with this:
(Click to embiggen)

The only weird part of this, to me, was the line of furniture against the knee wall.  Chaise, armoire, night stand, dresser.  The chaise sticks straight out from the alcove when I prefer it on an angle where ever it is.  Plus it's weird to have a night stand not near a bed anyway and this is just a straight line of matching furniture and that's what bothered me.  Everything sticks out almost the same distance from the wall.
JR didn't like the treadmill next to the dresser on his side of the bed either.

So after a couple days we tried again and ended up here:
(Click to embiggen)

So now the weirdness is still the chaise, JR's dresser and my dresser overlap a little, and his night stand is still on the other side of the room from his side of the bed.

I feel like if the radiator were underneath the window and we didn't have these built in shelves (they're not even really nice), everything would just fall right into place and it would be great!

But I still like it better than it was.  It feels better balanced I guess.  You know the feng shui and all that.  And I've been sleeping great!
JR thinks he likes it too.  We're going to give it a little longer before we pass final judgement.

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