Friday, July 8, 2011


I've been remembering my dreams a little more lately. I think 'cause my sleep isn't being interrupted quite as much.

Anyway, I remembered last night's and it was amusing.

In the first part we were in high school and there was an extra band teacher. But she was a little creepy, like, too nice, so no one liked her. Anyway she was going around offering everyone cake and as I was about to take a slice she said "Oh, have you gained weight recently?" And I was super pissed so I said "Since the baby was born or since I got pregnant again?" and snatched some cake from her. Apparently in my dream that was me telling her off. I don't know.

Anyway Betsy is chowing down on this cake and I eat my whole piece before I realize it's flax seed cake with cream cheese frosting. It was awful.

Then I realized that I was going to have to quit school halfway through my senior year because Bean will be born in Januray. Which was sad until I remembered that I already have a BA. Then it was just funny. Apparently time has no meaning in my dreams.

In the second part of the dream school was a huge boarding school (but it was very institutional, like a hospital). And we all lived there but everyone was in the music department. I had joined Orchestra so I could play the viola (which, no offense to viola players, but that seems like the most boring string instrument to me). Then I found out that Liz Beck had quit orchestra so she could be in the color guard for marching band. I didn't know anyone in Orchestra so I wanted to quit and join color guard too. I don't remember if I got to join or not though, I think I woke up.

At least I wasn't naked and missing the bus!

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