Thursday, April 14, 2011

Satin Sheets

We have a set of satin sheets. I think I got them at a black Friday sale several years ago. They're really nice and warm in the winter time once you get past that first super cold minute.

We didn't use them last winter because I was pregnant...

Tangent - I read a suggestion somewhere about using satin sheets when you're pregnant 'cause it makes it easier to slide in and out of bed. I guess they were forgetting the whole pregnant ladies get really hot thing.


JR suggested we put them on the bed before it got too warm to use them so I pulled them out last week.
I don't remember them being such a huge pain. The pillows were sliding out from under my head and the blankets were sliding all over the bed, they even made my back hurt trying to sleep on them. It was awful. I think we had them on there for 3 nights before we couldn't take it anymore and switched to the regular cotton sheets.

Then, on top of that, they were super hard to fold and when I carried them upstairs in a stack they just started sliding to the floor.

Maybe we'll try again in two more years.

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