Thursday, May 16, 2013

The GREAT Office Makeover!!! Part One.

I guess it's not that great, since it was mostly organizing and clearing out.  There wasn't any paint changed or anything like that.

Seems like it  all started when we moved the bookshelves from the living room to the office. 

Looks nice, right!?

The main reason I needed the shelves moved out of the living room was that they were collecting way too much junk.  But after the move, the junk was homeless and my desk became the shelter.  The desk wasn't in great shape before, and now, adding more stuff just made it reach its clutter tipping point. Then, since I couldn't get things off my desk because the closet was too messy, I decided we needed to clean out the closet. 
It's a vicious cycle.

The closet was completely out of control.  I couldn't ever get anything in or out of it because it was all in boxes stacked on top of each other.  So of course it all just ended up in huge jumbled piles right inside the door.


And because I couldn't easily get anything in or out of the closet this is what my desk looked like.
It was not pretty.  After all sorts of contemplation and a lot of pinterest searching I decided to add shelves over my desk to hold my craft and sewing supplies.  The theory being that removing those items from the closet would really help the clutter in there.
So I bought all sorts of storage boxes and bins and tubs and started organizing.
Bins of fabric
Progress!  Stuff in boxes on my desk.
When JR came home from China he helped by putting up the shelves.  Three shelves with room to grow!

He also put up a set of file holders to sort bills and coupons into.

And here it is all put back together.  It's not exactly styled but it was late and I only kind of care.  Sadly, this is the best it's ever going to look, so, live it up people! (person?)

 Next up, the closet.  Dun, dun, dunnnnn!


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